Inventory Part/Storage Requirements

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Use this tab to enter storage requirements for an inventory part. There are two tabs in which you can enter storage requirements.

In the Capacities and Conditions tab, you can enter information about the requirements for length, width, depth, temperature and humidity range as well as the weight and volume that should be considered when a part is stored on an inventory location.

In the Capabilities tab, you can enter requirements for user-defined capabilities that an inventory location where this part is stored must be able to handle. This could be, for example, that a part is explosive and hence has a storage requirement for explosive material.

Note that when no value is entered, it is interpreted that the part has an unlimited requirement for that capacity or condition and thus will require a location that has unlimited capacity or condition. This will also mean that parts not having defined requirements will not unnecessarily use locations defined as being capable to handle certain capacities, conditions or capabilities.

Values for capacity, conditions or capabilities can be inherited either from the part catalog record or specific groupings for storage requirements. There are separate storage requirement groups for capacities, conditions and capabilities and these groups are connected to a part in the part catalog.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Master Part
Create and Maintain Manufactured Inventory Part
Create and Maintain Purchased Inventory Part


Enter storage requirements