Resource Load

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning] [To Shop Order Manufacturing] [To Work Order Execution] [To PM Planning]


Use this window to get a filtered list of resources based on their average load levels over a given time span.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

The Resource Selection group box:

Resource Class Check Boxes: Select the resource classes that you want to include in the list. The system creates one list no matter how many classes you choose. This list contains resource objects from any or all of the selected classes. These may be intermingled. 

The Load Type group box: (N/A for Maintenance Planning Board)

Booked Time Load (Radio Button): If this option is selected, the load level is calculated as the ratio of booked time to total available time within the given timespan. Booked time includes idle time that cannot be used because it would split an operation. The total available time includes only the time that the resource's calendar designates as allowable working time.

Setup Load (Radio Button): If this option is selected, the load level is calculated as the ratio of total time spent during setup to the total booked time within the given timespan. Booked time includes idle time that cannot be used because it would split an operation. 

The Time Span group box:

Start Date/Planned Start (MPB): The start date and time for the timespan over which you want to calculate the resource load. If no value is entered, the date and time will be set to the locked current time.

Finish Date/Planned Finish (MPB): The end date and time for the timespan over which you want to calculate the resource load. If no value is entered, the end date and time will be set to one week after the start date and time.

The Load Threshold group box:

Find Resources that are Loaded... (Radio Buttons): Select the mathematical operation that will be used to compare a resource object's load level with the given threshold value. Possible values are Greater Than (>), Less Than (<), Equal To (=), Greater Than or Equal To (>=), and Less Than or Equal To(<=).

% (Threshold Level): The threshold load level. All resource objects will be included in the resulting list only if its load level exceeds, equals, or is lower than this threshold level, depending on the comparison operator selected. Note that the Less Than radio button is disabled when the value in this field is 0.0%. If Less Than is already selected and you set the threshold to 0.0%, then the Equal To radio button is automatically selected.