Return to Inventory


This activity is used to return VIM parts to inventory and allow to move for repair from inventory, and place in inventory (Purpose is to allow replace and repair parts in the structure). It is active only on work orders and work tasks that are VIM. Possible to return work order object or the task object


System Effects

As a result of this activity, repair flow has allowed to parts connected to structures.


Work Task
Work Tasks
Prepare Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Work Task Basic Data



Use the following procedure to enter the information:

  1. Open the Work Task window.
  2. Right click and select the option Return to Inventory.
  3. There you have the option to select either Work Order Object or Work Task Object.
  4. Return to Inventory Dialogue will pops up with the object information.
  5. You have to select the location and do return.
  6. It does not create return line, it is a direct return.
  7. Transaction is Work Order Repair Receipt.