Enter Complementary Information, Service Request


This activity is used to enter complementary information for a service request, for example planned start and finish dates, fault report information such as discovery codes etc.

If the service request is connected to a service contract for which a valid service level agreement (SLA) order template is defined, a SLA order is created and connected automatically to the service request. The SLA order is generated based on the SLA order template on the applicable SLA line depending on the service request priority or equipment object criticality or combination of priority and criticality, on the service contract SLA.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, complementary information is included in the service request.


Service Request

Related Window Descriptions

Service Request
Service Request/Prepare


  1. Open the Service Request window. Create a new record (F5) or query for an existing one (F3).
  2. Click the Prepare tab.
  3. Enter the relevant fault report information where applicable and other complimentary information as required.
  4. Save the information (F12).