Enter Additional Information


This activity is used to add additional information to the service order before creating it and sending it to the service provider.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the service order will be created and will become available to the service provider. The customer will be able to follow the progress of the service order from the Service Order elements in the lobby.


Use the following procedure when entering additional information to a service order from the Service Center assistant.

  1. In the Order Service assistant, make sure the correct value for Service Needed is set. Optionally, values for location and equipment can also be set.
  2. Then select a value for Problem Symptom from the list.
  3. Description is mandatory to fill in and if you want to enter more information you can do so in the Additional Information field.
  4. Select a Priority from the list.
  5. In the Contact group you can see and edit contact information. From start, your contact information is displayed.
  6. A file can be added to the service order by drag-and-drop a file to the file section or by selecting a file using the Add file... button.
  7. Press Finish when you are done. The service order will be created and a page with the ID of the new service order will be displayed. The service order will now be available to the service provider.

Use the following procedure when entering additional information to the service order from the My Service Center assistant.

  1. In the Order Service assistant, make sure there are values set for location, equipment and service.
  2. Then select a value for Problem Symptom from the list.
  3. Description is mandatory to fill in and if you want to enter more information you can do so in the Additional Information field.
  4. Select a Priority from the list.
  5. In the Contact group you can see and edit contact information. From start, your contact information is displayed.
  6. A file can be added to the service order by drag-and-drop a file to the file section or by selecting a file using the Add file... button.
  7. Press Finish when you are done. The service order will be created and a page with the ID of the new service order will be displayed. The service order will now be available to the service provider.