Toggle Settings


The toggle settings are used to adjust the timescale and display of the Work Order Planning Gantt with below options;

This pane can be toggled to be shown or hidden by pressing the button "Toggle Settings".


Work Order Planning Gantt should open and be launched.

System Effects


Work Order Planning Gantt

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Planning Gantt


Set Range;

  1. Click Toggle Settings to the right-hand side of the Work Order Planning Gantt window.
  2. Choose which time-scale to use in the chart, ranging from hours to months. It is also possible to define the time-range of the chart by choosing a start date and an end date.
  3. Press "Set Range".

Work Tasks;

  1. Click Toggle Settings to the right-hand side of the Work Order Planning Gantt window.
  2. Click Work Tasks check-box.

Show Working Time Only;

  1. Click Toggle Settings to the right-hand side of the Work Order Planning Gantt window.
  2. Click Show Working Time Only check-box.