Prepost Work Order


Use this activity to manually enter code part values to be used when financial transactions are created. These values are validated against the code part values in IFS/Accounting Rules. The code part values are later used to create financial transactions for the work order. The preposting information overrides any values created by posting control. 

The procedure of setting the pre posting on a work order is according to following:


Before the information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system generates financial transactions when reporting is done on personnel and external costs. Any values created by the posting control are overridden. Note! Financial transactions for material that are issued from stock are handled in IFS/Inventory.


Prepare Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order


Use the following procedure to enter the information:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Right click and point to Pre posting option.
  3. In the dialogue box that appears, use the List button to select a code part value, for example a cost center, for one or several fields.
  4. Save the information.