Monitor Work Assignments


This activity is used to monitor work assignments created by you as a work coordinator. It mainly monitors the progress of ongoing work assignments and their exceptions. It is also possible to monitor the unaccepted work assignments indicating the assignments that are Late to Accept by its allocated start time.

Optionally, you can monitor work assignments created by other coordinators, of the same user- supplier connection.


System Effects


Related Window Descriptions



Use the following procedures to view and monitor work assignments.

All Assignments page,

  1. Open the Subcontract Work Orders > Coordinate Work Lobby Page.
  2. Find the Lobby Section for Work Assigned.
  3. Click on the All assignments Counter and navigate to all work assignments.
  4. Open the Coordinated By Me tab.
  5. Monitor the progress of assignments in each Status group.
  6. Monitor the deviations from the Exception values.
  7. Optionally, open the Coordinated By Others tab. You can monitor the assignments created by other coordinators.

Unaccepted Assignments page,

  1. Find the Lobby Section for Work Assigned.
  2. Click on the Unaccepted assignments Counter and navigate to the unaccepted work assignments.
  3. Monitor the Late to Accept assignments by its Allocated Start Date/Time.

Work Assignment Calendar,

  1. Find the Lobby Section for Work Assigned.
  2. Click on the Work Assignments Calendar Link  to open up the work assignment calendar.
  3. Monitor the work assignments, switching between different time modes Week, Month and Agenda.
  4. Optionally, filter the Calendar by Assignment Status and Assignee.