Enter Appointment Values


This activity is used to enter base values for the activities that are scheduled to an appointment.

For Scheduling, the standard base value is derived from the base value and adjusted by the activity duration and weighting factor. This is not applicable to activities that are booked in via appointments since the appointment window is critical to the timing of the activity start. For instance, if there is only a short window, it is vital that the job is scheduled to meet it. However if the window is longer, there is more space for the job to be scheduled within the window.

Appointment values that are defined in this activity will be used to calculate the base value for activities that are managed through appointments. It is possible to include the weighting factor when calculating the appointment base value. The base value for an appointment activity, e.g. a work task, is calculated by multiplying the base value for the appointment by the activity duration and the total weighting value where relevant.


To perform this activity, the company must have been set up in IFS/Enterprise.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the base value for appointment activities can be scheduled.


Scheduling Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Basic Data
Scheduling Basic Data/Work Task
Scheduling Basic Data/Work Task/Appointment Value


  1. Open the Scheduling Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Work Task tab and then click the Appointment Value sub tab.
  3. Verify that the correct company is in use. If not, right-click and click Change Company to change the company.
  4. Create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Up To Hours field, enter the time in hours up to which the appointment duration window is valid for the activity.
  6. In the Up To Minutes field, enter the time in minutes up to which the appointment duration window is valid for the activity.
  7. In the Base Value per Hour field, enter the scheduling value for the appointment activity.
  8. If the weighting factor is to be included in the appointment base value calculation, select the Include Weighting Factor check box.
  9. Save the information (F12).