Define Activity Type


This activity is used to define activity types for Scheduling. To do this, the work types defined in IFS/Service and Maintenance/Basic Data/Work Order and PM Basic Data should be set up as scheduling activity types. The following scheduling information can be defined per activity type:


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the activity types which are to be scheduled are defined.


Scheduling Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Basic Data
Scheduling Basic Data/Work Task
Scheduling Basic Data/Work Task/Activity Type


  1. Open the Scheduling Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Work Task tab and then click the Activity Type sub tab.
  3. Verify that the correct company is in use. If not, right-click and click Change Company to change the company.
  4. Create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Work Type field, enter the work type that is to be used as an activity type. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. In the Base Value per Hour field, enter the scheduling value for the activity. If a value is not entered in the field, when saving, 1000 is entered by default.
  7. In the Buffer Time (Hours) field, enter the default buffer time in hours. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  8. In the Buffer Time (%) field, enter the default buffer time as a percentage. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  9. In the Scheduling Type (Primary) Duration Hours field, enter the duration in hours for the default primary scheduling type.
  10. In the Scheduling Type (Secondary) Duration Hours field, enter the duration in hours for the default secondary scheduling type.
  11. In the Availability field, enter an Availability id already defined in Scheduling Basic Data/Appointment. Entering a value in this field is mandatory.
  12. In the Displaceable Until Days field, enter the number of days prior to the Primary Scheduling Type End where the Work Task activity may be displaced by Appointments.
    (E.g. If Displaceable Until Days has been set to 20 days, then the Work Task activity may be displaced until 20 days are remaining to the Primary Scheduling Type End. If Displaceable Until Days has not been set the Work Task will not be displaced.)
  13. In the Allow Multiple Visits field select if Activities with this Activity type should be allowed to be split into multiple visits. If the activity spans over a longer duration it can be split up between break-type activities and shifts in the resource schedule.
  14. In the Min. Visit Duration (Hours) field enter the minimum duration that a scheduled visit is allowed to have. If the value is set to 1 hour the visits scheduled by PSO cannot be less in duration than 1 hour. It is recommended to set this to a value greater than 0. This is only tvalid if Allow Multiple Visits is set as true for the activity type.
  15. In the Scheduling Cost of Split field enter the cost applied by the scheduling engine when splitting an activity into two visits. Each split of an activity will get this cost applied. This is only valid if Allow Multiple Visits is set as true for the activity type.
  16. In the Display Color field set the display color for the work task activites of the particualr activity type to be visualized in the Scheudling Workbench.
  17. Save the information (F12).