Introduction to IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

This about description refers to the Aurena Native Framework Mobile Apps "IFS Service MWO" and "IFS Maintenance MWO". For the about descripition for  IFS Mobile Work Order , please refer to the about section about IFS Mobile Work Order.

The about description is divided into the following sections:


Introduction to IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

The new Aurena Native apps introduces a new user experience for Mobile based on the Aurena framework. With the new Aurena Apps, two apps are delivered for work execution

The apps supports the following processes:

In mobile this refers to the process of processing Pool Task and Work Assignment.

In addition there are a set of supporting processes:


What are the IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO Mobile Apps?

The IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO apps are two apps closely tailored to the demands of the Service Management and Enterprise Asset Management industries.

The apps are available for download via the public stores i.e. Appstore, Google Play and Microsoft Store


Functional Dependancies

IFS Mobile Work Order is integrated with the following components and product areas within IFS Applications:

Mobile Work Order

Resource Management

Parts Management

Documents and Media

Service and Maintenance


Concepts for IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO


Data Setup in IFS Applications for IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

User and Permission Sets

A Permission Set must be created to grant access to IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO features and functions.  All access is controlled via Activities. 
For IFS Service MWO the module listed in Activities is named "TouchApp ServiceEngApp 1".
For IFS Maintenance MWO the module listed in Activities is named "TouchApp MaintEngApp 1".

The Activities listed are all prefixed with "ServiceEngApp 1" or "MaintEngApp 1".  The Activities either give access to features or functions.

User must also have access to the functional role permission set TOUCHAPPS_RUNTIME to be able to logon to IFS Mobile Work Order.

To administrate IFS Mobile Work Order an end user role permission set TOUCHAPPS_ADMIN has been created that will give administrator full admin access to the Solution Manager > Touch Apps features.

It is possible to create Permission Set Filters that give row level security to any data entity that is synchronized with the mobile client.  These filters can easily be created via the RMB "Create Filter..." from Permission Set Activities by selecting the relevant ...EngApp 1 activities.

Maintenance Employees

In order to work with IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO, employees need to be defined as mobile users. This is done in two parts. One where you need to define whether the user will use mobile work orders or not in Resource Detail > Maintenance Employee and the second where the employee is defined automatically as a mobile user when the corresponding user is activated on a mobile client.

To manage automatic time transactions on the mobile work order will use primary parent group (work time transactions) and/or a travel resource group (travel time transactions) defined for the employee.

Mobile Maintenance Basic Data

All objects on the site(s) that the user is connected to, are sent to the device using group push. Group Push requires that the system user running the background job for group push must have full access to all required sites. The system user of "MaintEngApp" and "ServiceEngApp" are "IFSMAINTENGAPP" and “IFSSERVICEENGAPP" respectively. The objects can however be limited by using permission set filters.

The solution allows two ways of defining parts that should be synchronized to mobile client. If ‘Synch All Parts’ property in Touch Apps Server application configuration is set, then all parts defined in IFS Applications will be by default synchronized to mobile client. It is highly recommended to use this option in conjunction with Permission Set Filters to narrow down amount of data synchronized to the client.

If the property ‘Synch All Parts ‘is not set, then the required parts should be registered in mobile part basic data. In this data set up it is possible to connect a mobile user to an assortment so that all the parts in the assortment will be available in the mobile application. In addition to this, all the parts registered in warehouses connected to the mobile user as well as spare parts registered against equipment objects transfferred will be transferred to the mobile device.

Once the Part Basic data has been set-up then the Refresh All Inventory Parts Schedule Tasks must be run to generate the part data that is used to filter the Inventory Parts to sync to the mobile user.

It is recommended to configure this schedule task to run on a schedule that matches the frequency that parts will change, and ideally run overnight so the schedule tasks do not impact the system during normal operating hours.

Workflow Configuration is a way to enable or disable actions and processes available for mobile users. It is possible to hide some actions (e.g. Returns or Pictures) or make them mandatory (i.e. signature must be provided before work assignment can be completed).

A workflow configuration will be applied only when the workflow criterias are met. For instance when the Object Type of an Object is "Boiler" ,when the Work Type of a task is "Corrective" or when the Maint Org of an Employee is "Electrical Department".

Action flow can be defined in a sequence order in Workflow Configuration in Aurena client such that mobile user is guided through that predefined workflow. Action flow configuration is enabled for Workflow Configuration type "Configured Work Task".

There is a flexibility to define action flow in ample combinations of actions in Aurena client as there are only few client validations added. Hence it is upto back end user who defines the action flow in a sensible way in order to work the flow properly.

Maintenance Survey/eForm Setup

Maintenance surveys are configured in IFS Aurena under Maintenance Survey

Data filters can be specified to identify when an eForm should be triggered:

Before the eForm can be used in IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO it should be published and can be changed at a later stage by using the replan option.
When this is done, the eforms needs to be connected to a workflow in order for it to be transferred to the relevant mobile users as part of the batch synchronization.


Transfer Work Tasks and Work Assignments to IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

Once the work is planned in IFS/Work Order Management it can be transferred to IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO.

If Work Assignment is created for a Work Task, it can be transferred directly to user assigned to Work Assignment. If multiple Work Assignments for Work Task are created it is possible to transfer all assignments in one action from Task level. If Work Task is planned but no active Work Assignments exist, it is possible to transfer and assign work to a user in one action from Task level. Mobile user must be selected in the process and Work Assignment for the user is created.

Work can be transferred to a particular mobile user or to a common pool of work tasks . When a work task is transferred to the pool, it will be synchronized with the mobile users that have access to the task site.
Work tasks that are set to On Hold cannot be transferred to mobile

If Work Task is planned but no active Work Assignments exist, it is possible to transfer it to pool. There are two options supported:

Note: If the site is scheduled by the Planning and Scheduling Optimization, it will not be possible to transfer tasks in this site to the common pool of work tasks.

The Transferred Tasks/Work Assignments window allows review of all Work Assignments transferred to mobile users as well as Tasks that has been transferred to pool. It is possible to cancel selected Tasks and Work Assignments directly in the screen.


Execute Work assignments IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

Only the Work Assignment status is can be updated in Mobile Client; Work Task statuses cannot be updated in mobile, but are updated by the work assignments status changes. The mobile user will execute the work assignment by processing the assignment through the status chain of the work assignment.

Work Assignment Status

 Automatic Time Reporting  

Automatic time transaction will created (if configured to do so) between the following state changes:


There are a number of different actions available to the mobile user for the following areas during work execution:


Create New Work in IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

The new work and additional work process can be initiated from different places in the apps:

The new work process creates a new work order with a task, a resource demand and an assignment. Creating new work should be used if the user wants to create new separate work, not included in the current work scope.

Report a problem: A new work order is created including a task. This will automatically be returned after finishing the assistant.
Request Work that needs to be done: A new work order, including a task with a resource demand is created. If the user needs to plan this work further, the user can select to keep the task on the device for planning.
These tasks can be found in a separate entry in the Home Screen, called Work to Prepare.

The options to create  work that I will perform or report work that I have done, result in a new work order, including a task and an assignment that belongs to the user. The assignment in this scenario can be in different statuses (accepted, work started or completed) depending on more options available within the assistant. The assignments in status accepted or started create work that I will perform will be kept on the device. The assignments in status complete report work that I have done will launch a question in the last step of the assistant whether to keep or return the work.

When selecting the Additional Work assistant, the executor will have almost the same user guidance but the outcome differs compared to New Work.
In Additional Work, an additional task is created for the current work order. This means that the current work (order) scope is extended.

The option to request additional work that needs to be done creates an unassigned task for the current work order (including a resource demand). If the user needs to plan this work further, the user can select to keep the task on the device for planning. These tasks can again be found in a separate entry in the Home Screen, called Work to Prepare.
The options for creating additional work that I will perform or have done, result in a task on the current work order and an assignment to the user. The assignment in this scenario can be in different statuses (accepted, work started or completed) depending on more options available within the assistant. The assignments in status accepted or started (“Create work that I will perform”) will be kept on the device. The assignments in status complete (“Report work that I have done”) will launch a question in the last step of the assistant whether to keep or return the work.

The Additional Work assistant can be launched from different places in the apps:


Handle Material in IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

When it comes to the material handling , the Mobile user is not only restricted to issue and return material in the execution process. But can also maintain their own stock and move and recieve stock

During the execution process the user will be able to issue and unissue materials requiered for the task.

During and inbetween execution processes the user will also be able to keep track of their stock and stock levels

Information shown in My Stock:

During and inbetween execution processes the user will also be able to take different actions in terms of moving stock:

Handle Object Information in IFS Service MWO and IFS Maintenance MWO

In terms of handling Object Information the user may not only view object information but also update information about objects and report in measurements etc.

In Objects user can identify all objects that is associated with work that they have recieved but also all objects connected to their site(s) can be seen.
(Object related information can also be found when directly navigated to from a Work Assignment).

Once the Object has been identified the user can take a set of actions from there:




IFS Mobile Work Order

This about description refers to the IFS Mobile Work Order app. For the about descripition for the Aurena Native Framework Mobile Apps "IFS Service MWO" and "IFS Maintenance MWO"  , please refer to the about section about IFS Service Mobile Work Order and IFS Maintenance Mobile Work Order.

The about description is divided into the following sections:


IFS Mobile Work Order provides functionality to plan, execute and report in work on a mobile device. This solution is applicable to Asset-intensive industries, Service/Energy and Utility industries, as well as for Industrial or Process Manufacturers carrying out internal maintenance work in large plants and facilities. The solution works within Work Order context using and presenting information defined on Work Order, Work Task and Work Assignment. Work Assignments can be processed in the application, including state changes, whereas Work Task can be updated with information collected on the job but their state is not directly updated by Mobile Work Order. The solution has the ability to work offline for the entire process.o:p>

IFS Mobile Work Order is compatible with Windows, Android and iOS devices.

This description is divided into the following sections:

The Integration between IFS Mobile Work Order and IFS Applications

IFS Mobile Work Order is integrated with the following components and product areas within IFS Applications:

Data Setup in IFS Applications for IFS Mobile Work Order

The following section details the specific data set-up that is required to work with IFS Mobile Work Order.  This is in addition to the standard data set-up for a User to create, plan and execute Work Task and Work Assignments and answer Employee Surveys.

User and Permission Sets

A Permission Set must be created to grant access to IFS Mobile Work Order features and functions.  All access is controlled via Activities.  For IFS Mobile Work Order the module listed in Activities is named "TouchApp mWorkOrder 4".

The Activities listed are all prefixed with "mWorkOrder 4".  The Activities either give access to a features, such as mWorkOrder 4.ObjectMeasurements or functions, such as mWorkOrder 4.AllowMeterRollover.

In order to run IFS Mobile Work Order a User must be created with Permission Set access to the "TouchApp mWorkOrder 4" activities.  As a minimum it is recommended that the following Permission Set Activities are granted to the mobile user:

User must also have access to the functional role permission set TOUCHAPPS_RUNTIME to be able to logon to IFS Mobile Work Order.

To administrate IFS Mobile Work Order an end user role permission set TOUCHAPPS_ADMIN has been created that will give administrator full admin access to the Solution Manager > Touch Apps features.

It is possible to create Permission Set Filters that give row level security to any data entity that is synchronized with the mobile client.  These filters can easily be created via the RMB "Create Filter..." from Permission Set Activities by selecting the relevant TouchApp.mWorkOrder 4 activities.

Maintenance Employees

In order to work with IFS Mobile Work Order, employees need to be defined as mobile users. This is done in two parts. One where you need to define whether the user will use mobile work orders or not in Resource Detail > Maintenance Employee and the second where the employee is defined automatically as a mobile user when the corresponding user is activated on a mobile client.

To manage automatic time transactions on the mobile work order will use primary parent group (work time transactions) and/or a travel resource group (travel time transactions) defined for the employee.

Mobile Maintenance Basic Data

The solution allows two ways of defining Equipment Objects that should be synchronized to mobile client. If ‘Synch All Objects’ property in Touch Apps Server application configuration is set, then all objects defined in IFS Applications will be by default synchronized to mobile client. It is highly recommended to use this option in conjunction with Permission Set Filters to narrow down amount of data synchronized to the client.

If the property ‘Synch All Objects ‘is not set, then the objects which are to be used in mobile client should register in mobile object synchronization data. You can connect objects against mobile users and/or organizations in the basic data setup. In addition to this, objects which are registered in tasks belonging to mobile users will also be transferred to Mobile Work Order. 

Once the Objects per User or Objects per Organization has been set-up then the Schedule Task "Refresh Mobile Sync Objects" must be run to generate the object data that is used to filter the objects to sync to the mobile user.

It is recommended to configure the schedule task to run on a schedule that matches the frequency that objects per user or organization will change, and ideally run overnight so the schedule task does not impact the system during normal operating hours.

To view Equipment Objects information in IFS Mobile Work Order the following Permission Set Activities must be granted:

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.EnforceObjectIdValidation is not granted to the mobile user it will be possible for the user to enter an object on task that does not exist is the IFS Mobile Work Order client.

It is possible to view current and previous tasks/work assignment created for Equipment Object; the option is available in Object Details screen.

When processing work assignments the required parts which are to be used in IFS Mobile Work Order should be synchronized to mobile.

The solution allows two ways of defining parts that should be synchronized to mobile client. If ‘Synch All Parts’ property in Touch Apps Server application configuration is set, then all parts defined in IFS Applications will be by default synchronized to mobile client. It is highly recommended to use this option in conjunction with Permission Set Filters to narrow down amount of data synchronized to the client.

If the property ‘Synch All Parts ‘is not set, then the required parts should be registered in mobile part basic data. In this data set up it is possible to connect a mobile user to an assortment so that all the parts in the assortment will be available in the mobile application. In addition to this, all the parts registered in warehouses connected to the mobile user, spare parts registered against equipment objects which are allocated to the mobile user in Mobile Object Synchronization and parts registered in tasks which are owned by the mobile user will also be transferred to the mobile device.

Once the Part Basic data has been set-up then the Refresh All Inventory Parts Schedule Tasks must be run to generate the part data that is used to filter the Inventory Parts to sync to the mobile user.

It is recommended to configure this schedule task to run on a schedule that matches the frequency that parts will change, and ideally run overnight so the schedule tasks do not impact the system during normal operating hours.

To view Parts in IFS Mobile Work Order the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Parts must be granted to the mobile user.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.EnforcePartAndTrackingValidation is not granted to the mobile user, it will be possible for the user to enter a part number that does not exist is the IFS Mobile Work Order client.

In IFS Mobile Work Order it is possible to view the Quantity On Hand of all parts that are synchronized.  To view this data the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.MyStock must be granted to the mobile user.

 It is possible to configure integrations with IFS Mobile Work Order and third party apps (on the Android platform) or Web pages or EE screen (in Windows).  These can be registered in Mobile Integrations and it is possible to specify whether the integration should appear on the Home screen or as a Work Task Action.

On calling an App, Web page or EE screen a set of parameters are outputted containing mobile user and work order information depending on where the integration is being called from.  These parameters consist of any field listed against the entities MobileUserInfoActiveWorkOrder and JtTaskAddress.

To view Integrations in IFS Mobile Work Order the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.MobileIntegrations must be granted to the mobile user.

When processing work orders there can be instances where you need to setup your own work order filters to flex the home screen to assist the mobile user is finding work orders. Such requirements can be handled by setting up data in home screen configuration.

To use Home Screen filters in IFS Mobile Work Order the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.ShowHomeScreenQuickLinks must be granted to the mobile user.

Workflow Configuration is a tool to alter functions and flows available for mobile users. It is possible to hide some actions (e.g. Returns or Pictures) or make them mandatory (i.e. records must be created before Work Assignment can be completed). It is also possible to modify flow (e.g. disable On Route option or make it mandatory). Finally, there are options to alter some of the functionalities (e.g. disable auto time reporting)

To use Workflow Configuration it is required to define filters – configuration will only be applied to Work Assignments that match filters defined.

Employee Survey/eForm Setup

The Employee Survey has been integrated with IFS Mobile Work Order to give a framework to flex the work assignment work flow dynamically.  The Employee Survey must be configured as standard with the WO Integration tab being set so that Employee Surveys (in IFS Human Resources) can be used as eForms in IFS Mobile Work Order.  This set-up allows for specifying when the Employee Survey will be triggered as an eForm in IFS Mobile Work Order.  Data filters can be specified to identify work assignments that the eForm should be triggered against and the following is a list of the stages in the mobile work assignment flow where an eForm can be triggered:

Before the eForm can be used in IFS Mobile Work Order it should be Published and the mobile users should be listed as participants. When this is done, the survey will be transferred to the relevant mobile users as part of the batch synchronization.

To process eForms in IFS Mobile Work Order the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.eForms must be granted to the mobile user.

Transfer Tasks and Work Assignments to IFS Mobile Work Order

Once the work is planned in IFS/Work Order Management it can be transferred to IFS Mobile Work Order. Work can be transferred to a particular mobile user or to a common pool of work tasks . When a work task is transferred to the pool, it will be synchronized with the mobile users that have access to the task site.

If Work Assignment is created for Work Task, it can be transferred directly to user assigned to Work Assignment. If multiple Work Assignments for Work Task are created it is possible to transfer all assignments in one action from Task level.

If Work Task is planned but no active Work Assignments exist, it is possible to transfer and assign work to a user in one action from Task level. Mobile user must be selected in the process and Work Assignment for the user is created.

If Work Task is planned but no active Work Assignments exist, it is possible to transfer it to pool. There are two options supported. If task is transfer as Pool, the user who first accepts the Task from the pool will be considered the owner of the work, Work Assignment will be created for the user and the Task will be removed from all other mobile users. If task is transferred as Pool-Keep then it can be accepted by multiple users; Work Assignments will be created for all accepting users and the task is only removed from mobile when a user chooses to do so while completing work assignment created from pool-keep task.

Note: If the site is scheduled by the Planning and Scheduling Optimization, it will not be possible to transfer tasks in this site to the common pool of work tasks.

The task will be transferred (or removed from the pool) during synchronization between the mobile user and the server. IFS Mobile Work Order can be configured to set up how often synchronization is to be carried out between the mobile user and server.

Once transferred, work assignment state cannot be updated in IFS/Work Order Management. Any other updates and operations are allowed on Task and Work Assignment.

The Transferred Tasks/Work Assignments window allows review of all Work Assignments transferred to mobile users as well as Tasks that has been transferred to pool. It is possible to cancel selected Tasks and Work Assignments directly in the screen.

Tasks that are set to On Hold cannot be transferred to mobile.

Execute Mobile Work

Only Work Assignment state is directly updated in Mobile Client; Work Task states are not updated in mobile, but can be changed by server logic based on Work Assignments state changes. It is possible to add and edit information on both Tasks and Work Assignments

Work Assignment Status

Note 1: Automatic Time Report records:  Automatic time transaction will created between the following state changes:

When the work assignment is in the On Route state the automatic Time Report record will be based on the mobile users travel resource group and when the work assignment is in the Started state the automatic Time Report will be based on the mobile users primary parent group.

Note 2: eForms:  If you have setup an eForm to be triggered for a work assignment state change then the mobile user will need to complete the eForm before the state change will occur.

Note 3:  Work Order Journal: For all state changes two records will be created in the Work Order Journal.  One will represent the date/time the change was made in IFS Mobile Work Order, the second will represent the date/time the change was synchronized.

Work Task Actions

The following is the list of actions that can be performed on a mobile work task.  Note that it will only be possible to create or modify Work Task Actions when the work assignment is in the Accepted, On Route, Waiting At Location, Started or Pending Completion states.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Task Steps is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to view task steps defined for the task. It is possible to update task step status, and start process of creating new work, measurement, picture or document against the task step.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Documents is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to view and create documents connected to the task. It is also possible to create new document revision.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Materials is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to view or create material requests and issue parts

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Pictures is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to attach pictures to the task. IFS Mobile Work Order is integrated with the Camera application on the mobile device. Therefore, it is possible to take a picture and attach it simultaneously. Attached pictures will be stored in IFS/Media Library.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Expenses is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to record all expenses incurred on the task, which will be reflected in the work order budget.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.Returns is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to plan parts to be returned to the inventory from the work task site.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.TimeReports is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to view and create Time Report records against the task. If Time Types are configured in IFS/Basic Data for Maintenance and IFS/Resource Management then they will be available for use in time reporting process.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.eForms is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to start and answer eForms integrated directly to Work Assignments. It is also possible to view and change answers to eForm answered during most recent state change.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.ObjectMeasurements is granted to the mobile user then it is possible to record the values of the measurements carried out on an object during the work. 

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.AllowMeterChange is granted to the mobile user then it will be possible for the mobile user to change the meter.

If the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.AllowMeterRollover is granted to the mobile user then it will be possible for the mobile user to specify that the meter value has rolled over. 

It is possible to use the journal to view the statuses the work assignment has been through.

There are three different ways new work can be defined from Work Task Actions.

Add Task – task is added to current Work Order; a user has option to accept the task in which case Work Assignment will also be added. This can be for example used when mobile user identifies additional work that needs to be performed in order to fix current fault.

New Work Order – new Work Order and Task is created; a user has option to accept the task in which case Work Assignment will also be added. This can be for example used when mobile user identifies new fault that has no direct impact on current job.

New Work – when the option is used for the first time New Work Order and Task is created. Each subsequent use of the option within the task will add new Task to the same work order created during first use. This can be for example used to define new scope of work during inspection route that can be later quoted to customer. It is not possible to create Work Assignments in this process.

Work orders created by the mobile user will receive an identifier with the prefix N, e.g., N1001010. This identifier will be used for the lifetime of the work order on the mobile. When the work order is sent to IFS/Work Order Management, the identifier will be set as the Originating System ID, the Originating System will be set to "MWO" and the work order number will be generated automatically based on the work Order regular number series. The same process applies to Tasks created in mobile work order; the identifier is created with prefix T and is set as Mobile Task Id in Work Task screen.

If Work Assignment is created in the process (i.e. mobile user indicates that they will perform the work) it is possible to specify state of new assignment. Possible values are New (Accepted), Work Started and Completed.

If Add Task or New Work Order options are used, it is possible to keep newly created task in mobile work order without accepting it. Task will be displayed with status To Plan and it will be possible to edit it and add new requirements (e.g. materials) but is not possible to report anything against it or process the state. The task must be returned to the server and be scheduled there.

This option allows mobile user can to view tasks created using New Work option

Multiple Visits

Work Assignment can be split into multiple visits based on maintenance user schedule. This is done when user Accepts work assignment, or when it is transferred to mobile.

In mobile work order, there is some special handling for work assignments that belong to visit chain:

Return Work Order

When the work assignment is completed or incompleted on the mobile device, you will be prompted on whether you want to return the assignment or retain it. When you choose to return it, the work order will be transferred back to IFS/Work Order Management during synchronization.

If the mobile user chooses to retain the work assignment then it will be possible to Return it at a later stage.

On completing or incompletion of the work assignment a prompt will be given to start return travel.  If the mobile user answers yes to this then a Time Report record will be created based on the mobile users Travel Resource Group and will be closed when the mobile user completes the return travel.

Move Stock

Mobile Work Order offers functionality to move inventory stock to and from mobile user stock.

Planned Stock Move

Functions available in planned stock move can be used to move inventory parts between mobile user stock (defined as remote warehouse) and central stock (defined as non-remote warehouse). Planned stock move is executed using Transport Task functionalities.

This option allows mobile user to preview stock that will be transfer to his stock, but is not yet available for receipt to mobile stock. The option shows all transport task created between non-remote warehouse and remote warehouse connected to mobile user that are defined as Move to Transit and are not yet executed

These options allow mobile user to receive inventory parts stock that has been sent to his stock. The option shows parts in transit to remote warehouse connected to mobile user and allow mobile user to receive parts.

This option allows mobile user to create Transport Task that will be used to move inventory parts from remote warehouse connected to mobile user to central location (non-remote warehouse). This can be used by mobile user to initiate return of unwanted/unusable stock to central warehouse.

This option allows mobile user to return unwanted/unusable stock to central warehouse. Using the functionality, mobile user can execute Transport Task to move stock from remote warehouse connected to mobile user to transit with destination to central location (non-remote warehouse). Transport Tasks available in this option can be created in server or in mobile client (with Add Transport task option)

Unplanned Stock Move

Functions available in unplanned stock move can be used to move inventory parts between mobile users (i.e. between remote warehouses). The functionality used in the server is that of Inventory Part Offline Move. The move should be registered both on issuing and receiving device and first transaction that is synchronize the server updates inventory stock; the second transaction is used to acknowledge transaction created.

This needs to be performed on device of issuing party. The mobile user selects parts to be transferred, quantity and inventory location belonging to another mobile user. As a result, stock on mobile device is updated, transaction is registered, unique Offline Move Id is assigned and QR code is generated.

This needs to be performed of receiving party. Typically mobile user scans QR code generated in Unplanned Stock Move process by issuing user; it is also possible to enter information manually if scan is not possible. As a result, stock on mobile device is updated and transaction is registered.

Mobile Framework

The IFS Mobile Work Order solution relies on the IFS/Mobile Framework.  For details on this framework, how the synchronization process works and failure handling please refer to the F1 Technical documentation under Touch Apps.
As part of the framework it is possible to amend the IFS Mobile Work Order screens using the UI Designer.To enable the UI Designer the mobile user needs access to the Permission Set Activity mWorkOrder 4.EnableLayoutDesigner.