Create Data Collection Menu


This activity is used to create, maintain, and view the data collection menu. This task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person. The menu can consist of folders, processes, and/or configurations in an n-level structure.

The menu can be connected to a company and/or a site. If there is one menu connected to a company and another menu connected to a site within that company, the menu connected to the site will be used.


System Effects


Data Collection Menu

Related Window Descriptions

Data Collection Menu


  1. Open the Data Collection Menu window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Menu ID field, enter an ID, using no more than 50 alphanumeric characters.
  4. Enter a description for the menu and then click Save.

To add a folder, follow steps 5-9 or use the Add Folder activity from the Data Collection Menu/Structure tab. 

  1. Select the level to which you want to add the folder in the navigator tree. If the structure is empty it will be added to the root of the tree.
  2. Create a new record on the Structure/Structure tab.
  3. Set the preferred sort order using the Sort Order field.
  4. Select folder from the Type field.
  5. Enter a description for the folder and then click Save.

Note: By following steps 5-9 repeatedly, you can create an n-level structure.

To add a process, follow steps 10-14 or use the Connect to Menu activity from the Data Collection Menu/Structure/Processes tab.

  1. Select the level to which you want to add the process in the navigator tree. If the structure is empty it will be added to the root of the tree.
  2. Create a new record on the Structure/Structure tab.
  3. Set the preferred sort order using the Sort Order field.
  4. Select process from the Type field.
  5. In the Process ID field, enter a process using the List of Values and then click Save.

Note: Repeat steps 10-14 to add more processes.

To add a configuration, follow steps 15-19 or use the Connect to Menu activity from the Data Collection Menu/Structure/Processes tab.

  1. Select the level to which you want to add the configuration in the navigator tree. If the structure is empty it will be added to the root of the tree.
  2. Create a new record on the Structure/Structure tab.
  3. Set the preferred sort order using the Sort Order field.
  4. Select configuration from the Type field.
  5. In the Configuration ID field, enter a configuration using the List of Values and then click Save.

Note: Repeat steps 15-19 to add more configurations.

To connect the menu to a company follow steps 20-21.

  1. Create a new record on the Valid for Companies tab.
  2. Enter a company or search for it using the List of Values and then click Save.

To connect the menu to a site follow steps 22-23.

  1. Create a new record on the Valid for Sites tab.
  2. Enter a site or search for it using the List of Values and then click Save.