Assigned Serials
Modification Details/Assign Serials

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Use this window or tab to view serials assigned to the selected modification. Here, you can view details on the modification including whether the modification is to be performed for the serial or not. If the modification is in the Preliminary status, you cannot view information in this window or tab. When a modification revision is activated, serials will be assigned to the modification according to the modification assignment type. For each serial that meets the applicability of the assignment type, a record will be displayed in this tab. The effective date for the modification helps you to plan when the due calculation is to start and the modification execution type shows the subsequent event for the serial.

In the Modification Details/Assign Serials tab, the due dates for the 5 pre-selected operational parameters for the modification code will be displayed in the upper table, while in the lower table all operational parameters will be listed (including the 5 parameters already listed in the upper table). In the Assigned Serials window the due dates for the 5 pre-selected operational parameters for the modification code will be displayed. The operational parameters to be displayed when due information is presented is pre-set in the Due Info Sorting field found in the Serial Part/Oper. Param per Maint. Group tab.

Activity Diagrams

Define serial structure
Maintain modifications 
Disposition overhaul object


Decide if the Modification should be Performed for Serial
Identify Modification Requirements
Unassign Serial
Perform Due Calculation