Manual Maintenance Event/Task Cards

[About Pending Maintenance Event] [About Maintenance Order] [About Access Control] [To Prepare Line Maintenance] [To Scope Maintenance Visit] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit]


Use this tab to add task cards to the manual event. Task cards and subtasks are used to define the work that is to be done as part of a maintenance event. For a manual event, you have the option of creating a new task card or copying a task card from the task library. To define a new task card, you need to set the source to Manual and enter the task card ID and description as minimum information. If you want to copy information from an existing task card, set the source to Task Card and use the List of Values to select from the valid active task cards for the serial. If subtasks are connected to the selected task card, these will be retrieved automatically when saving the task card in this tab.

The Cancel menu option in this tab can be used to cancel task cards on a manual event which is connected to a maintenance order and not yet released. If subtasks exist, these will be canceled automatically when canceling the task card.

Note: Once the manual event is set to the Released status or higher, you can no longer add, modify or remove task cards in this tab. If you need to make any changes, e.g., add additional task cards, this should be done from the maintenance order or the corresponding work order.

Activity Diagrams

Define Maintenance Visit
Plan Line Maintenance Activities


Register Manual Maintenance Event
Cancel Task Cards on a Maintenance Event