Establish Maintenance Data for Template Structures/Template Structure

[About Serial Structure Templates] [To Manage Master Configuration]


Use this tab to enter maintenance data for the parts of a template structure.

The maintenance data you enter can be extended to all the parts of a structure, thereby simplifying the task at hand. A multilevel presentation of the structure is displayed in the table of the window. You need to use the relevant right mouse button options to enter, update, and save the maintenance data for the selected structure. Further, it will be possible to manually update the maintenance data after it has been extended to the parts. When a manual update is carried out, the corresponding rows are marked as modified. This will make it easier to view the difference between the values that have been extended and manually updated. The following right mouse button options are available on this tab.

Options Description
Spread Suggested Data to Structure Extends the values you have entered in the Serial Part Data and Oper Param per Maint Group Data areas to all the parts of the structure. Existing maintenance data values will be superseded each time this option is selected. 
Save Operational Parameters for Parts Saves the operational parameter values that were previously extended to the parts of the structure. If an error occurs during this process, the row on which the error occurred is highlighted. You need to correct the values and perform this action again to save the operational parameter values for all the parts.  
Save Maintenance Groups for Parts Creates and extends the new maintenance group to all the parts of the structure.
Save Modified Operational Parameter Values Updates the new maintenance groups with the existing maintenance data.
Spread and Save Suggested Data to Structure Establishes maintenance data in one action. Defined maintenance data is extended on the structure, an operational parameter and maintenance group is established while operational parameter values are updated. It will not be possible to manually update values that have been extended using this option. 

When you create an operational parameter for a part, the maintenance groups to which the part belongs will be updated automatically with this operational parameter. Maximum and average values (e.g. planned average value) defined for the parts will be automatically updated on the maintenance groups that have the relevant part and operational parameter combination. 

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Operational Parameters, Maint Group, Oper. Param per Maint. Group.

Activity Diagram

Define Serial Part Information


Establish Maintenance Data for a Template Structure