Modification Details/Execution Type Info

[About Task Cards and Subtasks] [To Manage Maintenance Program]


Use this tab to select the modification execution type for which task cards are to be defined. The following table shows the valid execution types:

Modification Execution Type Description
Initial inspections The task cards for performing the initial inspection. Before the status of the modification is set to Active, define the intervals for the performance of the initial inspections in the Define Modification/Execution/Initial Inspections tab.
Continued inspections The task cards for performing the continued inspection. Before the status of the modification is set to Active, define the intervals for the performance of the continued inspections in the Define Modification/Execution/Continued Inspections tab.
Terminating Action The task cards for performing the actual modification (i.e., when complying or embodying the modification). If you have selected a value in the Next Interval Maintenance field or selected the Next Visit In Workshop check box in the Define Modification/Assign Parts tab, you do not need to define intervals for the terminating action. However, if the Next Interval Maintenance field does not have a value entered or the Next Visit In Workshop check box is not selected, you are required to define the intervals for performing the terminating action before setting the status to Active.
Decomply The task cards for reversing the modification. This option is available only if the Decompliance Allowed check box is selected for the part number in the Define Modification/Assign Parts tab.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Task Cards, Resources, Material Usage, Subtasks, Sequencing, Sign Off Req..

Activity Diagrams

Define Task Cards


Define Task Card
Define where Task Cards should be used