Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up

[About Maintenance Order] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit]


Use this tab to set the time period for which rolled up resource requirements are to be aggregated. Rolled up requirements refer to the aggregated demand for resources during a maintenance visit. The scope of a visit is signified by the events which are connected to the maintenance order for the visit.

When working in the Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up sub tab, you can view rolled up requirements for an entire visit or for a selected level and below in the visit scope depending on the structure node you select in the graphical object structure (shown to the left of the tab). This graphical object structure represents the scope of the maintenance visit.

When working in the Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up sub tab, you can view rolled up requirements for an entire execution logic structure (ELS) or for a selected grouping/ELO node depending on the structure node you select in the graphical object structure (shown to the left of the tab). This graphical object structure represents the ELS that was created to support the arranging, grouping and sequencing of the contents of the maintenance visit.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Resources, Materials.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Maintenance Visit


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