My Absence Calendar

[Time and Attendance Reporting]


Use this window to view and register and plan your absences. If you have access to other employees you can view their absence calendars as well.

The calendar located in the central part of the window displays all absences, absence request and the absence plans for a given year. Different states of absence requests and plans have their own colors and are explained in the legend. Other absences (such as sick leaves, maternity leaves etc.) are marked by a black border.

Note: The calendar shows absence plans or absence requests depending on the currently selected tab.

Clicking on a calendar day will select it, allowing you to register an absence or an absence plan. Many days can be selected at once, including separate days from different periods.

If you are a supervisor, you can also view calendars of your subordinates. You can then then perform actions connected to their absences (e.g., approval, rejection).

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Plan, Request

Activity Diagrams

Register Absence Plan
Register Absence Request
Register Absence


Register and Confirm Absence Request for Employee
Register and Confirm Absence Plan for Employee
Approve Absence Requests of Employee
Approve Employee Absence Plans
Register Absence Using Approved Requests