Configure Time Clock Type Items


This activity is used to configure the settings that should apply to data fields available for the dialog boxes opened using Time Clock buttons.


In order to perform this activity, Time Clock types are required to be already configured in the Time Clock Type Details window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Time Clock Type Detail Items

Related Window Descriptions

Time Clock Type Detail Items


  1. Open the Time Clock Type Detail Items window.
  2. Populate or query to find the object item you require.
  3. The Time Clock Object Name field shows the object to which the items or fields are connected.
  4. The Time Clock Type field shows the Time Clock types in which the object is used.
  5. In the Initial Value field, enter the value that should be automatically entered in the data field when the dialog box is opened in the Time Clock.
  6. In the Sort Order field, specify the order in which the data fields should display in the Time Clock when the relevant dialog box (Time Clock Object) is opened.
  7. In the Reuse Previous Value field, select a value from the list to specify how values entered previously for the field should be used.
  8. In the LOV field, specify the list of values that should be available for the data field in the Time Clock.
  9. In the LOV Mandatory Parameters field, if required, you can specify another data field for which a value is required in order to use the list of values for the selected field.
  10. Save the information.