Supplier Schedule Agreement Part/Tolerance Check Options

[About Tolerance Check Methods] [To Procurement, Supplier Scheduling]


Use this tab window to specify the tolerance check method, the values that should be valid, and the type of schedules that should be compared. The tab is divided into two group boxes, Cumulative and Bucketed. The first group box is used for the cumulative tolerance check, and the second group box is used for the bucketed tolerance check. Data entered in one of the group boxes will be valid only for that specific tolerance check method. It is, however, possible to use both methods at the same time.

If you already have entered data on the supplier schedule agreement, the conditions will be displayed in this tab. You can add or alter any conditions; these new values will overrule the conditions stated on the supplier schedule agreement for this particular part.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Supplier Schedule


Enter tolerance check data on supplier schedule agreement part
Enter document text
Enter note
Activate supplier schedule agreement part
Validate supplier schedule agreement part
Negotiate supplier schedule agreement or agreement part
Close supplier schedule agreement or agreement part