Match PO (Purchase Order) Receipts


This activity is used to match purchase order receipts, rental transactions, charges, stage payments and/or core deposits (from the exchange order flow) with supplier invoices. The expense postings connected to each order line, i.e., each part purchased, are automatically retrieved as individual posting lines on the invoice when performing the matching. When purchasing consumables the matching functionality helps you control that only parts that actually have arrived are matched and when renting in assets from suppliers the matching functionality helps you to invoice the generated rental transactions. It also prevents you from paying twice for the same parts or to pay for returned goods.

Matching is only possible if IFS/Purchasing is installed. The matching can be performed whether or not you have knowledge of the purchase order number.

For receipt lines or rental transactions, when entering either the purchase order number or the supplier identity on the supplier invoice, you will have access to all purchase order lines that have been received and have passed through quality control for this particular purchase order or supplier and for which the rental transactions had been generated. In the matching dialog box, it is possible to change the quantity, gross and net price, discount, additional cost and invoiced non-deductible tax amount for each purchased part according to the content of the invoice. You can choose to match all order lines at once, or with just a select number of order lines.

When matching with rental transactions, you can group the rental transactions together if the rental number, mode, and price of the transactions are equal.  

When performing this activity, the posting lines created on the invoice are not connected specifically to individual invoice lines, but rather as cost postings for the total net amount plus the total non-deductible tax amount. Each received order line automatically generates one or more posting lines on the invoice with the help of posting control or preposting previously entered for an order line.

Note: No number parts that are registered as miscellaneous parts in the MRO flow cannot be matched with any supplier invoice. The price of a no number part only indicates an estimation of the acquisition value.


System Effects

Each received order line included in matching will automatically generate one or more posting lines on the invoice with the use of posting control or any defined pre-posting connected to order lines. If there is a price difference between the purchase order line and the supplier invoice, a price difference posting will be created automatically. If there is a non-deductible tax difference between the purchase order receipt and the supplier invoice, a non-deductible tax difference posting will be created automatically.

When the invoice is saved, a connected voucher with the generated final postings is created. For the received order lines, the quantity of the purchased parts that were actually included in the match will be updated to the Invoiced Qty field. This can be seen in the Receipts History window. When an invoice with matched order lines is canceled, the invoiced quantity of the received lines is reduced.

When matching an invoice with a received purchase order line, a special check is made. If the purchase part of the matched order line is included in a supplier blanket using part step pricing, cumulative values for quantity and amount will be updated for the applicable period. If the matched purchase part, or no-number part, also belongs to a supplier assortment included in a supplier blanket, cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period in the assortment step pricing. The current amount for the whole supplier blanket will also be updated in both cases.

If a PO Ref is not specified on the invoice and the PO Matching Parameters on the Company/Invoice/PO Matching tab is set to Match All, then the matching dialog box will not be populated automatically. The user would be required to perform a query to retrieve records to the matching dialog box.

When rental transactions are matched, the invoice details can be viewed in the Rental Transaction Invoice Details window and the Invoice Status field in the Rental Transactions window will be changed to Invoiced.


Manual Supplier Invoice
Rental Transactions
Rental Transaction Invoice Details

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice
Post from Purchase Order
Rental Transactions
Rental Transaction Invoice Details


Using purchase order number:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window. Enter the purchase order number in the PO Reference field, or select it from the List of Values.
  2. Enter the gross or net amount specified on the invoice.
  3. Right-click and click Purchasing and then click Match PO Receipts. The Post from Purchase Order window appears. All purchase order lines that have been received and checked for quality are displayed.
  4. Optionally, change the quantity, gross or net price, discount, tax amount, or additional cost on each order line.
  5. Optionally, for rental transactions click Ungroup. If you have many rental transactions with the same rental number, price and mode, this will display all the rental transactions that had been grouped together. Optionally click Group to group all the transactions based on the said criteria.
  6. Before you can perform the matching, the value in the Remaining field must be zero. This means that the order lines that are matched correspond to the net amount on the invoice.
  7. The matching can be performed for either individual order lines or all order lines. If you choose to match individual order lines, select the Matched check box. If you choose to match all lines, click Match All.

Note: When multiple purchase orders are matched to an invoice and the invoice is not connected to a project, the Project ID field will be updated with the project ID of the purchase orders, provided they are all connected to the same project. 

No purchase order number:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window. Enter the supplier and the gross or net amount specified on the invoice.
  2. Right-click and click Purchasing and then click Match PO Receipts. The Post from Purchase Order window appears.
  3. Query by purchase part number to retrieve available order lines.
  4. Optionally, change the quantity, gross or net price, discount, tax amount, or additional cost on each order line.
  5. Before you can perform the matching, the value in the Remaining field must be zero. This means that the order lines that are matched correspond to the net amount on the invoice.
  6. The matching can be performed for either individual order lines or all order lines. If you choose to match individual order lines, select the Matched check box. If you choose to match all lines, click Match All.

Note: If the more than one invoice line with different tax codes exist in the line information table, the Invoiced Price Incl Tax/Curr and Additional Cost Gross Amount fields in the Post from Purchase Order window will be null.