Enter Supplier Invoice Lines


This activity is used to enter one or more lines on a supplier invoice. This activity is also performed if you prefer to enter invoice lines with detailed information on the goods or services purchased, such as part number, charge type, description, quantity, or price units of measure. If you have a purchase order reference on the invoice, this detailed information is retrieved from the lines on the reference purchase order. It is also possible to create invoice lines automatically based on unreceived or unmatched purchase order receipts.

For suppliers defined for income tax reporting and/or withholding, a supplier income type can be entered per each registered invoice line. Income types applicable to each supplier are specified in the Tax Withholding/Reporting window. In this window, you can also connect tax withholding codes to the income type. Only the income types that are already connected to the supplier can be entered in the invoice line. For some income types, connecting tax withholding codes is mandatory. For such income types, it is also required that tax withholding codes are connected to the invoice type in the Tax Withholding/Reporting window before they can be registered in an invoice line.

If the invoice includes only one tax code and not more than one delivery type and/or supplier income type, and there are no requirements for invoice lines with detailed information on what has been purchased, then the invoice net amount, gross amount, and tax amount can be specified in the header portion of the window. In this case, one invoice line will be created automatically for the invoice and tax code, delivery type or supplier income type could be added or changed in this line if requested.

The delivery type for an invoice line can be changed after the invoice has been posted under certain circumstances. If items belonging to the invoice have been sent to the tax ledger or if a self invoice connected to this invoice has already been printed, you cannot change the delivery types. In all other cases, the delivery type can be changed. This capability supports self-billing or EDI invoices, as well as self invoices.


This activity requires that an invoice be created and basic information such as supplier and invoice number be entered for it. Also, tax codes and delivery types must be defined. If the supplier is marked as an income tax reporting/withholding candidate, at least one supplier income type must have been defined for the supplier in order enter an income type for an invoice line. If the invoice has a purchase order reference and the lines will include information about the goods or services purchased, then the part number or charge type entered on the invoice line must be included in the purchase order.

If invoice lines need to be created based on unmatched purchase order receipts, a reference to one or more purchase orders should be entered in the invoice header and the invoice should not be saved.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,  


Manual Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice


  1. Open Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Query for the invoice or begin entering information (except for invoice amounts) in the header portion of the window.
  3. Create a new record in the Line Information section. If invoice lines need to be created automatically based on unmatched PO receipts or Unreceived PO Lines, right click in the Line Information section and then click Copy Unmatched PO Receipts or Copy Unreceived PO Lines. When the invoice lines are created automatically, already existing invoice lines will be replaced by the copied unreceived PO lines/ unmatched PO receipts.
  4. Enter the tax code used by the supplier. The tax percentage, and tax method associated with the tax code will be displayed. Tax information can be viewed by right-clicking in the invoice line and then Tax Lines. If a single tax code is connected, tax code information is visible on the invoice line.
  5. Enter the delivery type ID, if appropriate.
  6. If the supplier was defined as subject to income tax reporting and/or withholding in the Tax Withholding/Reporting window, select a supplier income type from the List of Values.
    Note: Only the income types already connected to the supplier are allowed to be entered. You can select different supplier income types for different invoice lines.
  7. Enter the gross amount or net amount for the invoice. The amount that you should enter depends on the Amount Method chosen for the company in the Tax Control tab in the Company window. Tax amount and net/gross amount will be automatically shown in their respective fields. If you want to switch between entering the gross amount and the net amount, right-click on the window and click Swap Net/Gross Amount Entry. If the Correspondence, Invoice Net Amount - Tax Withholding Base Amount check box is selected in the Company/Tax Control tab, the net amount entered for the invoice is required to equal the total tax base amount of the tax withholding lines entered for the tax code. 
  8. If the company uses a single tax code, you can change this value directly on the invoice line. If the company uses more than one tax code, you can change the tax information by right-clicking on the invoice line and then clicking Tax Lines.
  9. Enter a value in the Manual Tax Liability Date field if required.
  10. Enter optional information such as purchase order reference, part number, charge type, invoicing advice ref, description, price unit of measure, and quantity.
  11. Save your changes.