Enter Basic Supplier Invoice Information


This activity is used to create a supplier invoice and enter basic information into it. You can also specify the invoice as an advance invoice. If there is a posting proposal connected to the invoice, the posting information section will not be available. All postings must be registered in the Posting Proposals window. 

If the company uses the posting proposal feature by selecting the Use Posting Proposal check box in the Invoice/General tab, it will be possible to automatically match the invoice. The postings will be retrieved from the purchase order reference or the receipt reference given in the invoice, and will be matched according to the PO matching level selected for the company. Similarly If the invoice needs to be matched with project transactions from an invoicing advice, the reference should be entered in the invoice header. If the company is using posting proposals, the invoice will be automatically matched only if an invoicing advice is entered in the header. If there is no advice entered or if the company is not using posting proposals, it is possible to manually match transactions with the invoice.

Purchase orders and project transactions can be matched with their related invoices in the Posting Proposals window. If the company is not selected to use posting proposals, it is possible to create invoice lines automatically based on purchase order receipts. 

A check will be performed to identify whether invoice numbers have been duplicated against all companies where the supplier is registered for invoicing. If duplicate supplier invoice identities exist, an error message will be displayed. 


System Effects


Manual Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice


  1. Create a new record. A value appears automatically in the first part of the Invoice Identity field. Today's date appears automatically in the Invoice Date and Arrival Date fields.
  2. Enter the supplier ID in the Supplier field, and then press the tab key. The suppliers name appears automatically. Any other supplier information that was previously entered, e.g., currency, authorizer, due date, planned payment date,  payment terms and payment term base date, also appears automatically. You can change this information, if required.
  3. Enter an invoice number in the second part of the Invoice Identity field.
  4. Select the Advance Invoice check box if the invoice is an advance invoice.
  5. If you plan to enter only one invoice line, enter the invoice amounts in the header of the window, and then press the tab key. An invoice line will be created automatically in the Line Information section. If you want to enter multiple invoice lines, start entering invoice lines directly without updating header amounts. When saving the invoice, the header amounts will be updated automatically. For each invoice line that is subject to tax reporting and/or withholding, be sure to select the appropriate supplier income type, if the correct value does not appear automatically. If you plan to enter multiple invoice lines, see the Enter Supplier Invoice Lines activity description.
  6. If the invoice lines need to be created automatically based on unmatched PO receipts, right click in the Line Information with Totals section and then click Copy Unmatched PO Receipts.
  7. You can now save the invoice directly as a preliminary posting or, if required, continue registration by entering information in the Posting Information section of the window before saving. This is only possible if the company does not use the posting proposal feature.
    Note: If the Create Postings at Invoice Entry check box is not selected on the Company/Invoice tab, the invoice will not be posted automatically when it is saved, and the status will be set to Preliminary. When you post the invoice, if the header and line totals mismatch, a question will be raised, giving an option to copy line totals to header.