Complex Assembly Service Contract/Ship Dirty

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Use this tab to enter position parts designated as ship dirty. The ship dirty concept means that once the part(s) representing the position is removed it can be shipped directly to an external supplier, from a disposition line, without being cleaned or inspected.

For each record is it mandatory to define; a position part number, repair code, supplier and external service type. The defined repair code must be connected to the real part associated with the position part or a possible alternative part, this in order to execute the ship dirty process from a disposition shop order line. It is also a condition that the repair code is defined with Repair Source External Repair Only. It is optional to define a parent maintenance level. The parent maintenance level determines if the part should be shipped dirty or not, i.e. when the maintenance level is set in the work scope for the parent, then the part shall be shipped dirty else not.

Note: For a disposition shop order processing a position parts categorized as ship dirty then is the Ship Dirty check box selected in the Disposition Shop order/Order Details tab, to indicate that the part disposed on the order shall be processed as ship dirty.

Activity Diagrams

Define Complex Assembly Service Contract


Define Position Parts as Ship Dirty