Planning Alerts - Shop Order

[To Shop Order Manufacturing]


Use this window to view the shop orders that will have material availability problems if you do not reschedule. When a shop order is created or its quantity and/or need date is changed or if it is released, an availability check is run to ensure that no shortages will occur when manufacturing starts. Only the components which have the Availability Check check box selected in the Misc Part Info tab of the Inventory Part window are considered. The planner must check this before releasing the shop order and then reschedule, if necessary, to prevent a shortage.

A planning alert can be either low or high priority, depending on the shop order's status. The alert for a shop order component line is automatically deleted when it is completely issued. If a shop order with a planning alert is canceled, the alert is automatically deleted. In addition to material shortages, planning alerts will be generated when the required date of a material is past due and material is not fully issued.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Shop Order Material Availability


Analyze shop order material availability