Location to Unissue

[To Shop Order Manufacturing] [To CAMRO Disassemble Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Disposition Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Execute MRO Shop Order] [To CAMRO Assemble Overhaul Object] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order]


Use this window to select the inventory location from which to unissue material. You cannot unissue more material than you have issued.

When all material has been received, Un-issue of material on a shop order for a tracked item will not be allowed. If an unissue is needed, the received material should be un-received first.

Activity Diagrams

Issue shop order components
Handle repair shop order
Handle multilevel repair shop order


Unissue material