Consolidated Shipment/Available Shipments

[About Shipment]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery]


Use this tab to search for the shipments that can be connected to the consolidated shipment. Only shipments that are not delivered and having the same site as the consolidated shipment are displayed. Optionally you can filter this tab by other values in the consolidated shipment by selecting View Matching. Then if you, for instance, have a route and a planned ship date in the consolidated shipment, only shipments having the same route and planned ship date will be displayed.

In addition this tab is opened with the search dialog box or populated automatically with all available shipments. If your site does not have that many available shipments it might be convenient to populate the tab automatically, while if you have a lot of available shipments, it is better for them to open with the search dialog box. By right-clicking in the consolidated shipment header and clicking Properties, and then clicking the Consolidated Shipment tab, the desired behavior can be decided via the Display Search Dialog Box for Available Shipments check box.

Activity Diagrams

Create Shipment
Handle Picking
Packing of Goods
Deliver Shipment


Connect to / Disconnect from Consolidated Shipment