Reassign Handling Unit


This activity is used to reassign a handling unit from one shipment to another new or an existing shipment. There are several situations where it may be necessary to reassign a handling unit, for example to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a customer requiring a certain delivery schedule etc. The person responsible for the shipment may realize that a handling unit must be reassigned at any stage in the process, including just before loading the truck. Therefore, it is possible, as long as the shipment is not delivered.

When reassigning a handling unit, the shipment line quantities attached to the handling unit, are connected to the other shipment. As an option the reserved and picked quantities attached to the handling unit can either be released or reassigned to the other shipment. If the parts are picked and placed in the shipment inventory they will not be released when reassigning a handling unit.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:

Note that the reassignment is done for the handling unit including its sub-nodes i.e. when referring to handling unit above it includes the sub-nodes as well.



Related Window Descriptions

Shipment/Handling Unit Structure
Shipment/Reassign Handling Unit


  1. Open the Shipment window.
  2. Query for a specific shipment ID.
  3. Click the Handling Unit Structure tab to view the handling unit structure details.
  4. Expand to find the handling unit you intend to reassign.
  5. Right-click and click Reassign Handling Unit to open the Reassign Handling Unit dialog box.
  6. In the Destination group box, select if you want to reassign the handling unit to a new or existing shipment. If you reassign to an existing shipment, enter the shipment ID or select one from the List of Values in the Shipment ID field.
  7. In the Release Reservations check box, decide whether or not the reservations should be released at the destination shipment.
  8. Click OK.