Create SLA Order Template Lines


This activity is used to create a SLA order template lines on a SLA order template.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity a new SLA order template line will be created.


SLA Order Template

Related Window Descriptions

SLA Order Template


  1. Open the SLA Order Template window and query for a SLA order template in Preliminary status.
  2. Add a new record (F5) in the top table where SLA order template lines are defined.
  3. Enter a description for the SLA order template line in the Description field.
  4. In the Cut-off Time Hours and Cut-off Time Minutes fields, enter the cut-off time in hours and minutes respectively. The cut-off time refers to the time up to which a resolution time can be calculated. Note: If the remaining time of the work day is less than the cut-off time when creating a service request or a work task, the resolution time is calculated from the next work day. The default value is set to 0 in both fields but can be changed if necessary.
  5. In the Response Time Hours and Response Time Minutes fields, enter the response time in hours and minutes respectively. The response time refers to the minimum time needed between entering a fault or completing the preceding task and starting the work on the task. The default value is set to 0 in both fields but can be changed if necessary.
  6. In the Resolution Time Hours and Resolution Time Minutes fields, enter the resolution time in hours and minutes respectively. The resolution time refers to the maximum time taken to complete the work, i.e., the time between entering a fault or finishing the preceding task and finishing the work. Hence resolution time must be greater than the response time. The default value is set to 0 in both fields but can be changed if necessary.
  7. Set the Calculation Basis as Base Date or Previous Task as needed.
    1. Select Base Data if SLA Latest Start and SLA Latest Finish dates on the work task need to be calculated based on entry date of the work task to the system.
    2. Select Previous Task if SLA Latest Start and SLA Latest Finish dates on a work task need to be calculated based on the actual completion of the preceding work task or the actual completion of the last work task connected to the SLA order line defined on the Related Template Line No
  8. Enter a value to Calendar ID field. Use the List of Values (F8) to select a suitable value.
  9. Optionally enter a value to Work Stage ID field. Use the List of Values (F8) to select a suitable value.
  10. Optionally to set a SLA order template line default, right click Set Default option need to be executed.
  11. Save the information (F12).