Enter Miscellaneous Sales Part Information


Use this tab window to enter miscellaneous sales part information, such as warranty settings. This window also contains information about replacement parts. All information you enter in this tab window is optional. Note that you cannot enter warranty for package parts.


The sales part header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

Any information entered for the attributes is added to the sales part.


Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Package Part/Misc Part Info


  1. Open and populate the Sales Part, Non-Inventory Sales Part or the Package Part window.
  2. Select the sales part for which you want to enter miscellaneous information.
  3. Click the Misc Part Info tab.
  4. Enter the information you want to add to the sales part.
  5. Save.