Print Commission Reports


The commission report is a summary of commissions divided by in site, commission receiver group and commission receiver. The report can be presented in two versions:


A customer order commission must have been entered and calculated.

System Effects

The commission report can be used to initiate credit notes or similar documents. The system will not create such documents automatically.


Commissions per Receiver and Period
Commissions per Receiver and Periods

Related Window Descriptions

Commissions per Receiver and Period
Commissions per Receiver and Periods


To print Report - Commission per Receiver and Period (Alternative 1):

  1. Select Commission per Receiver and Period Report from the Navigator.
  2. Optionally, enter the site, commission receiver group, commission receiver, commission calculation status, commission number, and period of time to be included in the report. The report will include all records, regardless of selection keys, if you have chosen not to define the selection.
  3. Click OK and the report will be created. You can either preview the report or print it immediately.

To print Report - Commission per Receiver and Period (Alternative 2):

  1. Select the order commission for which you want to print the report either from the Commissions per Receiver and Period window or from the Commissions per Receiver and Periods window.
  2. Right-click and select Print Commissions per Receiver and Period.
  3. Click OK and the report will be created. You can either preview the report or print it immediately.

To print Report - Order Line Commission (Alternative 1):

  1. Select Order Line Commission Report from the Navigator.
  2. Optionally, enter the site, commission receiver group, commission receiver, commission calculation status, and commission number to be included in the report. The report will include all records, regardless of selection keys, if you have chosen not to define the selection.
  3. Click OK and the report will be created. You can either preview the report or print it immediately.

To print Report - Order Line Commission (Alternative 2):

  1. Select the order commission for which you want to print the report either from the Commissions per Receiver and Period window or from the Commissions per Receiver and Periods window.
  2. Right-click and select Print Order Line Commission.
  3. Click OK and the report will be created. You can either preview the report or print it immediately.