Handle Customer Hierarchy


A customer hierarchy is a graphical method of grouping companies for review. The parent company will be on the top level with all affiliated companies beneath in the required number of levels.

You can create new hierarchies and include new companies in an existing hierarchy. You can also remove a separate company from a hierarchy as well as an entire branch or sub-branch. It is also possible to convert an existing hierarchy into a new one consisting of a branch of the original one by selecting a new root company, i.e. the tree structure above the new root company will be deleted.

It is possible to change the structure considerably by using "drag-and-drop"; You can change the structure by dragging companies or branches of companies to new locations within it.

The customer hierarchy is used to retrieve price and/or discount information if it is lacking in the customer entry itself. The retrieval will follow a general priority order.


All companies that will be included in a customer hierarchy must have been entered as customers.

System Effects

A tree structure of a group of companies is created.


Customer Hierarchy

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Hierarchy


To create a new customer hierarchy:

  1. Open the Customer Hierarchy window and select New.
  2. Enter the applicable code of the customer hierarchy that is being created.
  3. Enter the applicable description to be connected to the customer hierarchy.
  4. Save.

To include several customers into an existing customer hierarchy:

  1. Activate the customer hierarchy area in the left part of the table in the lower part of the Customer Hierarchy window.
  2. Right-click and then click Connect Customer.
  3. Enter customer number of the root customer (top level) in the Connect Root Customer to XX window, either by entering it manually or by using the List of Values.
  4. Select the root customer and enter the customer numbers of all the customers to be included in the hierarchy, regardless of levels, in the Connect Customers to XX window by clicking Customer List and List.
  5. Drag the the customers to their correct positions in the hierarchy by using drag-and-drop.

To include one or several customer(s) into an existing customer hierarchy:

  1. Activate the customer hierarchy area in the left part of the table in the lower part of the Customer Hierarchy window.
  2. Right-click and then click Connect Customer.
  3. Enter customer number of the root customer (top level) in the Connect Root Customer to XX window, either by entering it manually or by using a List of Values.
  4. Select the root customer and enter customer number of the customer to be in the next level in the Connect Customers to XX window, either by entering it manually or by using a List of Values. You can simultaneously include more than one customer on the same level by adding them in the Connect Customer to XX window, by clicking Customer List and List.
  5. Repeat step 4 for each new level per branch of subsidiaries you want to include.

To remove one or more customers from a customer hierarchy:

  1. Activate the customer hierarchy area in the left part of the table in the lower part of the Customer Hierarchy window.
  2. Select the customer or customer branch you want to remove.
  3. Select Remove in the Operations menu. Note: When removing a company you will remove all its subsidiaries as well.

To select a new root company in the customer hierarchy:

  1. Activate the customer hierarchy area in the left part of the table in the lower part of the Customer Hierarchy window.
  2. Select the customer to be the new root company.
  3. Select Set as Root in the Operations menu.
  4. You can re-create the original structure by selecting the new root company and then selecting Reset Root in the Operations menu.