Enter Rebates Receivers


This activity is used to connect the rebate receivers, who are customers, to the rebate agreement.


System Effects


Rebate Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement/Receivers


To enter a single receiver:

  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window, query for the required rebate agreement and click the Receivers tab.
  2. Click New and enter manually or select from the List of Values the customer you need to connect as a rebate receiver.
  3. Then set the Agreement Priority value ( a positive integer) to indicate what is the priority that this agreement should get if the customer is present in more than one active agreements (lower the number higher the priority).
  4. Repeat step 2-3 until all rebate receivers have been connected.
  5. Click on Save.

To enter multiple receivers:

  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window, query for the required rebate agreement and click the Receivers tab.
  2. Right-click and then click Connect Receivers and the Connect Receivers  dialog box will open.
  3. Use one of the following methods to specify the customers to be connected;

    Click New and enter a customer number in the Customer No field.
    Click New and then select a customer number from the List of Values.
    Click Customer List and enter one of the possible values for customer number, name, group or price group. Click OK.

  4. Then enter the desired Agreement Priority.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all rebate receivers have been connected.
  6. Click on Save.