Copy Customer Order


This activity is used to copy a customer order. You can copy an existing customer order instead of entering a new one by right-clicking and clicking Copy Order in the customer order header. A dialog box is opened when selecting this operation. You can fill the order number or keep it blank. Wanted delivery date is set as the system date, Customer and the Currency will be fetched from soruce customer order. Optionally, you can alter the Wanted delivery date, Customer and Currency. Also, you can select information to be copied as copy options. An additional history line will be created after the creation of customer order header and each order line with details from where the order is copied and the list copy options considered.

No Project related information will be copied. Due to this the control type of the posting types M103 or M104 (for project control type) should not be mandatory type.

Reference, DOP Info and Access tabs information will not be copied. The custom fields are always to be copied, but, respective formula is copied when it has dependent fields which may not be copied (then the value of the is not copied)

Copy options for customer order,

These options are checked by default. Order lines with below mentioned demand code & supply code combinations won’t be copied,

Supply code

Demand code

Null Int Purch Dir
Null Int Purch Trans

Invent Order

Purchase Order

Invent Order

Distribution Order

Component Repair Order

Component Repair Exchange

Component Repair Order

Component Repair Order

Maintenance Repair & Overhaul

Work Order

Maintenance Repair & Overhaul


Service Order

Work Order

Order Lines and Rental Lines fetched to be copied will have the demand code as NULL. Supply code gets the same value from its original line except for the values Project, Project Delivery & Project Inventory. They will be changed as:

-          Project >>  Non-Inventory

-          Project Delivery >>  Inventory Order 

-          Project Inventory  >> Inventory Order


Price, discounts, tax details, notes, document text and pre-postings are copied based on the selection of copy options Price & Discount, Tax Details, Notes, Document Text and Pre Postings described below.

No Project related information will be copied.

Warranty related information are copied regardless of the customer.

Commission lines with commission type Manual to be copied regardless of the customer.

Milestone and Stage Billing lines are copied regardless of the Customer.

An additional history line will be created after the line for new order creation with details from where the order is copied.

These check box are selected by default.

This option is checked by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Charged lines connected to part or rental lines that are excluded from the copying list (depending on the supply code and demand code combinations) will not be copied. All other charge lines having charge type “Other” will be copied.

Charge lines having charge type Freight and Pack Size are not copied and are fetched based on the existence of the relevant freight price lists and pack size price lists. Lines having the charge type Promotion are not copied and are fetched after the promotion calculation. All charge lines are copied with their original prices and discounts irrespective of the selection of Price & Discount copy option.

This option is selected by default and it gets disabled when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Delivery and Document address ids of the customer order header, respective details of the Order Address tab and address details of the Part Lines & Rental Lines of the source customer order will be copied to the destination customer order.

Single occurrence address details will also be copied only when the customer on the source and destination orders are same.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Data from the Delivery Information tab and delivery information relevant to Part Lines & Rental Lines of the source customer order will be copied to the destination customer order except the data that is automatically fetched during the processing of the customer order.

This option is selected by default and it gets disabled when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Data from the Misc Order Info tab and Misc Order Info relevant to Part Lines & Rental Lines of the source customer order will be copied to the destination customer order except data that is automatically fetched during the processing of the customer order. Cancellation Reason, Blocked Reason and B2B Order will be null or unselected and, Created gets the system date or will be re-fetched. Main Representative always holds the logged in user.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Data from the Document Information tab of the source customer order will be copied to the destination customer order. Document Printed will become unselected. External CO Label Notes and Internal PO Label Notes will become null.

This option is selected by default and gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

All the details are copied. Based on the copied data, relevant data will be filled automatically in the Access tab.

This option is unselected by default and it gets disabled when values of Currency or Use Price Incl Tax are different on source and destination customer orders.

When a customer order line is copied along with its prices; the ‘Price Source’ will become Copied. Field Price List No will be re-fetched and field Price Source ID will become ‘Null’.

If Price Incl. Tax is selected in Customer Order Header, Price incl. Tax/Curr  in Part order lines and Rental order lines will be copied. Otherwise, Price/Curr will be copied. Source Price/CurrCalc Char Price/CurrChar Price/Curr, Provisional Price - check boxPrice Freeze - check boxTax Basis for FOC/CurrPrice Effective DateNet Price and Free of Charge – check box will also be copied.

This copy option does not affect the prices in the charge lines.

Additional Discount in the order header is copied. Group Discounts are not copied. Line Discounts of the source order line will be copied with all details except Discount Source ID. Discount Source will be set to Manual.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

Tax ID, Tax ID Validated DateTax LiabilityTax Paying Party for FOCUse Price Incl Tax - check box, Taxable - check box, Tax CodeTax Code DescriptionTax ClassTax Class DescriptionTax Calculation Structure and Multiple Tax Lines - check box in customer order header, order lines, rental order lines and charge lines are copied along with this copy option.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

All the pre postings details of customer order header, part and rental order lines are copied except details related to projects.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

All the document text entered in the customer order header, order lines (including commissions)  and rental order lines are copied.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

All the Notes entered in the customer order header, order lines (including stage billing and commissions) and rental order lines are copied.

This option is selected by default and it gets unselected when the Customer is different on source and destination customer orders.

All the details are copied into the destination customer order.


 A customer order has to be entered and saved.

System Effects


Customer Order
Customer Orders

Copy Customer Order

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Orders
Copy Customer Order  


  1. Query for the customer order that you want to copy. Right-click and select Copy Order on the selected customer order. The Copy Customer Order dialog box opens up.
  2. You can eigther fill the Customer Order No field under New Customer Order Info sectionor leave it blank.
  3. Optionally, you can enter the wanted delivery date, if you want to have a different date for the new customer order.
  4. In the Copy Options area, select tab related information (Part Lines, Rental Lines, Charges etc) if you want them to be copied from the source customer order.
  5. Select the Prices and Discounts, Tax Details, Pre Postings…etc check boxes if you want them to be copied from the source customer order.
  6. Press OK to confirm. The dialog box closes and a message will appear asking to view thenewly created customer order.
  7. Press Yes and the newly created customer order will be loaded.