Create Configuration
This activity is used to create a configuration for a configurable part. This activity is intended for a B2B user acting as B2B Customer.
When creating the configuration, you define the characteristics and options required to build it. A configuration is a unique combination
of characteristics and options that is used in conjunction with a configurable part. If sales rules are connected to the configurable part and revision,
the sales rule engine is executed automatically when a characteristic or characteristic option value is defined. All sales rules are
executed upon any change of characteristic or option value in the Characteristic group.
The status of the configuration for a shopping cart line is always set to To Configure at the start of a configuration.
This is the status of the configuration until an active decision to complete the configuration process.
The Complete button in the header of the Edit Configuration page represents this decision. When executing this option the status is
updated from To Configure to Configured. Once the status of the shopping cart line is set to
Configured, an order can be submitted it further processing.
Revise button is the way to unlock a configured configuration for edit. For a shopping cart line in
Configured status, the Characteristics group in Edit Configuration page is locked for editing until this button is pressed,
i.e. this action resets the status of the line from Configured to To Configure.
- This activity is only applicable in IFS Aurena B2B
- IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must be installed.
- A configurable part and its rules must have been defined
- The configurable part should have been added to the Shopping Cart for the customer, specified as the user’s default customer,
in B2B User – Customer window
- A part configuration revision in status Released and effective for the wanted delivery date must exist.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, a configuration is connected to the part on the shopping cart line. If the combination of characteristics and options is new,
a new configuration ID is created. If not, the configuration ID for the defined combination is used.
Related Window Descriptions
- In IFS Aurena B2B navigate to lobby page Order Management for
- Select the Lobby element for Shopping Cart
- If required define a Wanted Delivery Date in the General group. The button Configure gets enabled, press the button to navigate to the Edit Configuration page
Note: The status of the configuration is viewed in the Part Information column in the
Product group.
If the configuration process isn’t completed the status is equal to To Configure, else
- If the status is To Configure then proceed with step 5. If the status of the configuration instead is
Configured when entering
the Edit Configuration page the possibility to edit Characteristics and
Characteristic values in the Characteristic group is locked.
If there is a need of performing additional changes of the configuration,
then it must be unlocked. This is done by pressing the Revise button in the header of the
Edit Configuration page.
- In the Edit Configuration page define Characteristics and
Characteristic Values in the Characteristic group.
Note: The column Value Info in the Edit Configuration/Characteristic group views important information regarding a selected characteristic option value
- When all characteristics are defined, the Complete button gets enabled.
Note: If the option Allow Incomplete Configuration is selected for the configuration family, then the
Complete button is enabled at all time.
Else it is only enabled when all required characteristics are defined for the configuration.
- Press the Complete button in the header of the Edit Configuration page to complete the configuration process.
- Press the Shopping Cart button to navigate back to the shopping cart.
- Notice that the status of the configuration, viewed in the Part Information column, is updated to Configured.
Note: The Shopping Cart is also possible to reach from Products page, Product Detail page
and Favorite Products page.