Perform RRP

[About Schedule Batch Job] [About RRP]

[To Master Planning]


Use this dialog box to execute the Resource Requirements Planning (RRP) process. RRP is based on the master schedule or the sales and operations plan you created and the resource requirements you specified. The system uses this information to calculate the resources required and how they will be used according to the master schedule. RRP lets you work with resources other than the usual machine capacity. You can calculate the need for storage space, personnel, transport capacity, machine capacity etc. RRP shows how the manufacturing plan will affect these factors.

Use the scheduling parameters to specify when the calculation will be executed. 

If you click Schedule, it will open a window to create a new schedule. Use the scheduling parameters to specify when the calculation will be executed.Once it is done, the scheduled job can be queried from the Scheduled Database Tasks window.

Note: Be sure that an MS Scheduling Level 1 calculation has been run prior to running your RRP job.

When you initiate the process, a RRP background job is executed. You can view it in the Background Jobs window.


Activity Diagrams

Perform RRP


Perform resource requirement planning