Register Recruitment Vendors


This activity is used to register external recruitment services that use XML files to send lists of people they recruited.


In order to perform this activity, you should know the XML structure of the file the external recruitment vendor uses.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an external recruitment vendor will be registered in the system.


File Based Recruitment Integration

Related Window Descriptions

File Based Recruitment Integration


  1. Open the File Based Recruitment Integration window and add a new record.
  2. In the Recruitment Vendor ID field, enter the unique identifier you want to give to the recruitment vendor.
  3. In the Recruitment Vendor Name field, enter the name of the vendor.
  4. In the XML Block ID enter the identifier of an xml block that holds information about people recruited by the vendor.
  5. If date format given in the xml is different than the standard YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day), you can manually change it (e.g., to DD-MM-YYYY). Otherwise, the format will be entered automatically upon saving.
  6. Save your changes.