Register Full Shipment Arrivals

[To Receipt]


Use this window to receive a full shipment that has arrived from the supplier with a corresponding Incoming Dispatch Advice. You cannot change any information in this window. Each line in this window corresponds to a purchase delivery note number and a message ID. Once the shipment is received for a line in this window, each order line in the corresponding delivery note will be received automatically. If Automatic Invoicing is enabled for some order lines, the invoices are also created automatically. However, it is not possible to create automatic invoices if the delivery note contains more than one order connected to different sites, currency or currency types. If all the conditions are met to create automatic invoices, the delivery note number will be defaulted as the receipt reference and the user can change it to any desired value from the Quick Receipt with Automatic Invoicing dialog box, which will be opened automatically during the receipt process.

Furthermore, you can open the Incoming Dispatch Advice window by using the Incoming DESADV right mouse button option. 

Activity Diagrams

Report arrival using dispatch advice


Report arrival of entire shipment