Quality Basic Data/Part/Site/Purchased Part/Site

[About Control Plan]

[To Control Plan]


Use this tab to make a control plan mandatory by part number per site, and by supplier for purchased parts.

You can select the Mandatory Purchasing Control Plan check box for a specific part at a specific site. The part number connected to a purchase order will require a control plan in Active status at the sites where the part is used, when trying to receive the purchase order.

Similarly, if you select the Mandatory Purchasing Create Analysis check box, all parts which are connected to a shop order or a purchase order must have a control plan in the Active status. It also requires to have all created analysis results entered and confirmed to receive the purchase order.

You can also use this tab to apply simplified revision handling for a specific site. If the Simplified Revision Handling check box is selected, it will be possible to edit control plans for the selected part at the selected site which is in status Active or Inactive without having to create a new control plan revision.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for control plan


Make Control Plan Mandatory
Make Create Analysis Mandatory
Use Simplified Revision Handling for Control Plan
Make analysis consider operation scrap quantity.htm