Review Control Plan Log


Use this activity to view messages by using control plan templates in the following situations:

The log consists of header and lines. The header contains references to the template, which user created it and when. The lines contain details about control plan, part, data point and a message. Some messages are only for information and some are error messages. The messages can be created by the following steps:


A control plan template log must exist.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Activate Control Plan Template Assistant
Apply Control Plan Template Assistant

Control Plan Template

Related Window Descriptions

Control Plan Template Log


  1. Open the Control Plan Log window.
  2. Use either the Search or Populate function to retrieve the control plan log you want to study.
  3. Take appropriate action.

NOTE: This is done automatically when the log is created, if it contains error messages.

Messages created when applying template to existing control plan header

Type Message
Error One or More checklist items are approved in the Control Plan.
Error One or More data point lines already exist in the Control Plan.
Error Operation XX/Work center YY combination in Data point A doesn’t exist in Part routing
Error Work center YY is Defined in Data Point A is not an Active work center, Only Active work center can be used in data points.
Error Work center YY is Defined in Data Point A is an outside work center, Only Internal work center can be used in data points.
Error Part has Inventory Supply Type "Schedule" and Inspection Type “Percent” at Data point A.

Since applying control plan template is done for existing control plans, the log contains information about existing control plan header, part and data point. Any errors occurring in the process will be logged in the control plan log.

Messages created when creating control plans or phasing in new revision

Type Message
Error Operation XX/Work center YY combination in Data point A doesn’t exist in Part routing
Error Work center YY is Defined in Data Point A is not an Active work center, Only Active work center can be used in data points.
Error Work center YY is Defined in Data Point A is an outside work center, Only Internal work center can be used in data points.

Part has Inventory Supply Type "Schedule" and Inspection Type “Percent” at Data point A.

Info Reference to the Template is removed from the Control Plan

Since applying control plan template is done for parts to create control plans, some parts may be disqualified due to various reasons and no control plan is created. The reason will be explained by the messages in the control plan log.

Messages created when activating created control plans and revisions

Type Message
Info Control Plan Phased out on DD/MM/YY , due to Activation of control Plan XXXX
Error Control Plan Cannot be Activated. Phase Out Date must be greater than the  Phase In date for the Control Plan no XXX/Rev YY
Error Control Plan Cannot be Activated. Phase Out Date must be greater than or equal to the Current date for the  Control Plan no XXX/Rev YY.
Error Part has Inventory Supply Type "Schedule" and Inspection Type “Percent” at Data point A.
Error Control Plan Cannot be Activated . Phase In date of the Control Plan should be higher than or equal to the Phase In Date of  routing revision  DD/MM/YY

When all or some of the created control plans are activated, error or information messages created during this process will be logged in the control plan log.

Messages created when propagating changes to affected open shop orders

Type Message
Info Control Plan Successfully connected to Shop order YYYY
Error Control Plan Cannot be connected to Shop Order Number XXX. Completed Analysis exists in Shop Order
Info Shop order XXX has Confirmed Analysis.

After activating and phasing in new control plan revisions, affected open shop orders will be connected to the new control plan revision. Error or information messages created during this process will be logged in the control plan log.