Cancel Analysis Results


This activity is used to cancel the data points that are not needed in the analysis result. You can select more than one data point at a time.  

It is possible to close and confirm an analysis with canceled data points. However, the canceled data points will not be included when you create SPC Charts or calculate capability indices.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the data points will be canceled, and the status of the data points will be changed to Canceled. It is not possible to update a data point after cancellation.


Analysis Result
Quality Basic Data
Analysis Results

Related Window Descriptions

Analysis Result
Quality Basic Data
Analysis Results - Attribute
Analysis Results - Variable


  1. Open the Analysis Results window.
  2. Populate or query for a part number.
  3. Select one or several data points, in the Uncompleted status, that you want to cancel.
  4. Right-click and then click Cancel Data Point . A message will appear indicating that it will not be possible to update a data point after cancellation.
  5. Click OK to cancel the data points, or click Cancel to end the operation.
  6. Enter a reason for the cancellation of the data point.
  7. Save the information.

Note: At this point, if all the lines in the analysis are in the Completed or Canceled status, it will be possible to confirm the analysis.