Request for Order Quotation/Suppliers | Request for Agreement Quotation/Suppliers

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Use this tab to enter the suppliers who are to receive a request. If a supplier needs to be created, it is possible to quick register the supplier. Once the suppliers have been entered, you can print or e-mail the request for quotation. From here, you can also create a business activity connected to the supplier and the quotation and delete/connect to existing business activities.

Activity Diagrams

Create request for agreement quotation
Create request for order quotation


Indicate Suppliers for Request for Order Quotation
Print Request for Order Quotation
E-mail Request for Order Quotation
Publish Request for Order Quotation, B2B
Indicate Suppliers for Request for Agreement Quotation
Print Request for Agreement Quotation
E-mail Request for agreement Quotation
Create Business Activity
Enter Supplier Contact