Create/Modify Invoice Plan


This activity is used to create invoicing plans for projects registered in the Project window. Invoicing plans are used to invoice a specific cost for a project activity. Thereby, invoicing plans are not linked to other project transactions carried out using the system (e.g. employee project time reporting transactions and employee project cost transactions). However, when you create an invoice for an invoicing plan, you have the option of including other project transactions done for the particular project or sub project.


In order to perform this activity, projects, sub projects and project activities are required to be already defined in the Project window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Invoicing Plan

Related Window Descriptions

Invoicing Plan


Perform the following procedure to create an invoicing plan:

  1. Open the Invoicing Plan window and create a new record.
  2. In the relevant field, enter the project ID, sub project and activity for which you want to create the invoicing plan.
  3. Select the required report code in the Report Code field.
  4. Specify the amount that is required to be invoiced in the Sales Amount field.
  5. In the Invoiceability field, select a value to specify whether this record can be invoiced. Note that you can select Delayed Invoicing to indicate that the invoice plan is expected to be invoiced on a future date.
  6. Save the information.

Perform the following procedure to modify invoice plan details:

  1. Open the Invoicing Plan window.
  2. Search or populate to find the required invoicing plans.
  3. You can modify information such as the report codes, amounts and the invoice settings by changing the values in the relevant fields.
  4. Save the information.
  5. If you want to change the invoice settings for multiple invoice plans simultaneously, you can select the required invoice plans and use the right-click options Set Invoiceable, Set Not Invoiceable or Set Delayed Invoicing.
  6. Save the information.