Jinsui Invoicing 

Description of process

The Jinsui invoicing process is used to assign an extra Jinsui invoice number to customer invoices. The assignment of the Jinsui invoice number is done by a separate government-supervised software called Jinsui System. For legal purposes, it is necessary that all tax related customer invoices in China must be assigned with a specific Jinsui invoice number. 

The following three criteria have to be fulfilled for the invoice to be able to pass through the Jinsui Invoicing process:

Once the above criteria have been fulfilled, it is important for the invoice amount to be less than or equal to the maximum invoice amount for JS customer invoices which has been defined in the Company/Invoice/Jinsui Invoice Information window. While saving the invoice, it is important for the Jinsui invoice status to be set to JS Open, for the invoice to pass through the Jinsui invoicing process.

If all the above conditions have been satisfied, you can create Jinsui invoices for project transactions, i.e., the JS Enabled check box will be automatically selected. However, the user can choose whether to create a Jinsui invoice or a non-Jinsui invoice for Jinsui customers. The user cannot create a Jinsui invoice for a non-Jinsui customer.

To create a project invoice, all the transactions will be grouped according to whether the transactions are Jinsui enabled or not. Other than the conditions mentioned above, this condition will apply to batch invoicing as well. 

In batch invoicing, even if the maximum Jinsui invoice amount has been exceeded, the invoicing process will continue by creating invoices for the other customers whose limit has not exceeded.