Execute Tender Process

Description of process

The tender process involves obtaining information from prospective suppliers on how project needs can be met. Most of the actual effort involves handling of Requests for Quotations and bids from selected suppliers to get the best possible basis for estimating the project's planned cost.

All parts, no-part items and services needed in the project can, at an early stage, be entered in the project quotation list (PQL). The project quotation list is the project's list of items to be procured that need quotations from suppliers. These quotations are often needed before the project is approved. The project quotation list can result in a request for quotation (RFQ) in Purchase. The RFQ can result in

A component specification report (Project RFQ supplement report) will be a supplement to the RFQ that can be sent to all suppliers.

If the delivery dates, quantity, characteristics or documents for any of the PQL lines change, it is possible to update the RFQ with the new information. If the RFQ is already sent to suppliers, the change will require a new revision of the RFQ.

When a blanket (for inventory and non-inventory purchase parts) or purchase order (for a service) is approved, the supplier price in PQL will automatically be updated. This price can be used to update Material Planned or Miscellaneous Planned cost in Project/Demand/Misc. Parts, Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts, Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts or Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts if the menu option Update Planned Cost is performed; or to update Project Override Material Cost in Project Item Navigator/Cost if menu option Update Project Material Cost From PQL is performed.

The following data can be changed after RFQ has been created or released: Info, Max Quantity For Blanket, Order Quantity, Wanted Delivery Date, From Date For Blanket and To Date For Blanket.