Create Resource Forecast Lines


Resource forecast lines contain the estimated hours. A resource forecast may consist of a number of lines for each resource depending on the resource criteria.

This activity explains how to add a resource forecast line to an existing resource forecast version.


System Effects


Project Resource Forecast

Related Window Descriptions

Project Resource Forecast


  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window and query for the resource forecast version for which you want to add a resource forecast line.
  2. Click the Forecast tab.
  3. Select a resource group in the resource navigator to simplify entering a resource group to the resource forecast line.
  4. Create a new resource forecast line.
  5. Use the List of Values to select values for the Sub Project ID field and Activity ID field. You can use the WBS navigator to select a required level. If you add a new line, values for what was selected in the WBS navigator will automatically be entered on the new line.
  6. In the Resource ID field, use the List of Values (if you have not selected the relevant resource group in step 3 above) to select a resource which you want to use for the forecast line.
  7. Enter a value in either the ETC hours or EAC hours field. Once it is saved, if one of these estimates is the only one made on the forecast line, a value for the remaining empty field will be calculated to be equivalent to the field with the value.
  8. Optionally, you can change the default spread profile which is automatically assigned, if you want to use another spread profile for the spreading.
  9. Click Save.