Cancel RFQ from PQL


If quotations from suppliers are no longer needed, you can delete the quotation list record for the purchase part or no part. Then the corresponding RFQ line will automatically be canceled.


System Effects


Project/Quotation List
Project Product/Quotation List (Project Delivery)

Related Window Descriptions

Project/Quotation List


  1. Open the Project window and query for the required project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab and select the quotation list record which is connected to the RFQ you wish to delete.
  3. You can either delete the record or right-click and click the Cancel RFQ Line option. Cancel the RFQ line if you would like to alter the connected RFQ in a PQL record, instead of deleting it directly. When you cancel the RFQ, the part or no-part will still be listed in the PQL, but without any reference to an RFQ line. You can then create a new RFQ or connect it to an already existing RFQ.
  4. Save the changes. The part or no part is removed from the quotation list, and the RFQ line will be set to the Cancelled status.