Review Shipment


Use this activity to review shipment.


A shipment should have been created. The following enables shipment status to be shown on items:

System Effects



Project Deliverables Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Project Deliverables Definition/Shipments/Shipment Lines
Project Deliverables Navigator/Shipment Plans/Shipment Plans
Project Deliverables Navigator/Shipment Plan/General
Project Deliverables Navigator/Shipment Plan/Shipment Parameters


  1. Open the Project Deliverables Navigator window and query a structure.
  2. Select an item and where a shipment has been created.
  3. Open the item General tab and review shipment status.
  4. Select the shipment plan in the tree and review information in General tab, Shipment Parameters tab and Shipment tab.
  5. In the Shipment tab, right-click and then click Shipment. Shipment can now be further processed, as described here: Shipment Delivery.
  6. Open the Project Deliverables Navigator/Shipments tab and review information in the Shipment Plans tab and Shipment Lines tab.
  7. In the Shipment Lines tab, right-click and then click Shipment. Shipment can now be further processed, as described here: Shipment Delivery.