Review Material Status


Use this activity to review material status. This status is shown on items and components and indicates the progress of the required material. The status is valid on items where item type is Material. The material status is set by the system and cannot be manually changed. The initial status, once a new item is created, is To be Planned. The status is then changed to Planned as soon as material plans are created and further changed to Requested, as soon as material supply exist, in forms of purchase requisitions and shop orders. The status is changed from Requested to to Planned, if the supply request is cancelled. The requested material is then received and this is shown as the status Fully Received. The Fully Received status is the final material status.


Items and components with item type Material should have been created. The following enables material status to be shown:

System Effects

Reviewing the material status doesn't have any system effects.


Project Deliverables Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Project Deliverables Navigator
Project Deliverables Navigator/Components
Project Deliverables Navigator/Navigation Items


  1. Open the Project Deliverables Navigator window and populate it with values.
  2. Open the General tab, Components or Navigation Items tab.
  3. Review the value in the Material Status field to retrieve information about how material has been progressed.