Project Periodical Cost Graph/Graph

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Use this tab to view graphically and compare the budget and the actual cost/revenue spread within the project life span.

The following costs lines will be depicted:

  1. Cost: EAC Cumulative: The graph of the EAC costs spread in to future accounting periods. 
  2. Cost: Estimate At Completion (EAC): The total EAC for the selected forecast version.
  3. Cost: Budget At Completion (BAC): The total budget value of the forecast version set as Active Budget.
  4. Cost: Budget Cumulative: The graph of the budget costs spread in to each accounting period.
  5. Cost: Incurred Cumulative: The graph shows the sum of the committed cost + used cost incurred in each accounting period up until the Cut-Off Period.
  6. Cost: Earned Value: The Budget * Progress for the accounting period. A prerequisite for earned value to be shown is a forecast type with periodic review.

Also the following revenue lines will be depicted:

  1. Revenue: EAC Cumulative: The graph of the EAC revenue spread in to future accounting periods. 
  2. Revenue: Estimate At Completion (EAC): The total EAC for the selected forecast version.
  3. Revenue: Budget At Completion (BAC): The total budget value of the forecast version set as Active Budget.
  4. Revenue: Budget Cumulative: The graph of the budget revenue spread in to each accounting period.
  5. Revenue: Incurred Cumulative: The graph shows the sum of the preliminary revenue + posted revenue incurred in each accounting period up until the Cut-Off Period.

In addition to the cost and revenue line graphs, the forecast cut-off period will also be displayed.

If Live View snapshot functionality is used the incurred costs/revenue cannot be spread into specific periods. The cumulative incurred cost/revenue in this case will be plotted on the cut-off period line.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget


Analyze Project Budget/Forecast